New Machinery

PSS RMM Frozen Meat Grinders

PSS RMM Frozen Meat Grinders are designed for fast and gentle grinding of any fist-sized frozen meat with temperature to -10°C, as well as for fresh meat grinding. Putting them into operation is a guarantee for economic and practical use and achievement of the best results when grinding.

The PSS RMM Frozen Meat Grinder guarantees excellent quality of the final product. The fresh or frozen meat is fed into the PSS RMM hopper, where it is collected by two specially designed worms. Then the material is moved towards the grinding set by the short grinding worm. The desired structure can be achieved depending on the composition of selected grinding set.


  • Sinew separation device
  • Mirror-effect polished worms
  • Mirror-effect polished hopper
  • Feeding worms for fresh meat
  • Feeding/mixing paddles
  • PSS P lifting device
  • Hopper wall extension
  • Reduction of hopper wall height