New Machinery

PSS RM grinders

PSS RM grinders are designed for food industry operations for fast grinding of any fresh meat type. PSS RMs ensure excellent product quality from coarse to very fine grinding.

Fresh meat is loaded to the PSS RMs hopper, where it is moved by two feeding worms (RM 160/3000). The material is pushed to the grinding set by the grinding worm. The required structure is achieved according to a choice of the grinding set.


  • Sinew separation device
  • Mirror-polished worms
  • Mirror-polished hopper
  • PSS P lifting device (RM 160/3000)
  • Hopper wall extension
  • Reduction of hopper wall height
  • Feeding wing (RM 114)
  • Finger (pressing arm)
  • Feeding/mixing paddles (RM 160)